San Francisco de Asís' pilgrims hostel in León
Hostel services...
-Phone: 987-215060 and 637-439848
Rooms with bathroom included:..
-Room with 2 beds: € 17 (per person)
(We have 11 rooms of this type)
-Room with 2 bunk beds: € 12 (per person)
(We have 12 rooms of this type)
1-The rooms with two beds have a key, sheets, blanket and towel.
2-The rooms with two bunk beds have a bedspread and the possibility of renting bed linen.
3-The prices indicated are per person and day. Include 10% VAT.
4-Surveillance cameras
5-Bicycle room
6-We belong to the Hostel Network and Bicigrino
7-Free WIFI
8-Credentials of the French Way and the Way of the Savior.
Other additional services: (Not included in the price):
1.-Restaurant Service (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
Prices and schedules of this service will be displayed in the hostel.
Closing time of the hostel door is at 12 o'clock at night.
Hostel collaborator of the environmental project of Ecoembes and the Junta de Castilla y León:

Entity adhering to the environmental commitment project.
Origin of the city of León...
León was founded around the year 29 BC. It was born as a Roman military camp, from the Legion VI Victrix. Its character of city-camp is consolidated with the legion VII Gemina from the year 74.
Towards the year 900 receives a new impulse that makes it the head of the kingdom. By then the city will have gone through a myriad of calamities, mainly with the Muslim conquest that left the area practically depopulated. In these dates it will be a key position of the reconquest of the peninsula and protagonist actor in the expulsion of the Muslims. Leon became one of the fundamental kingdoms in the configuration of Spain until in 1188 it housed the first Cortes in the history of Europe.
Capuchins in León...
The Franciscan presence in León is very old; the observant Franciscans build this house in the middle of the 13th century. It is blessed by popes like Innocent IV and Alexander IV, receiving the favor of kings like Sancho IV, Ferdinand IV and Alfonso XI.
The first and old church was demolished in 1763 and on May 22, 1763 the first stone of the new church was laid, which was consecrated on May 1, 1791. On September 11, 1835, due to Mendizábal's exclaustration, house and church are abandoned.
In the first half of the 19th century the building and several parts of the property are sold. What remained of the convent was allocated to housing, forge, coal. The Venerable Third Order (VOT), now called the Secular Franciscan Order, (OFS), acquired a house and church on March 4, 1880, with the support of the Bishop of León, D. Saturnino Sánchez de Castro.
The Friars Minor Capuchin were known in León thanks to a "ninth mission" to which they were invited by Mr. Obispo de León, Mr. Saturnino Sánchez de Castro. The "ninth mission" took place in two churches at the same time: Nuestra Señora del Mercado and Santa Marina. Such was the success of this "ninth mission" that at the end of it there were already conversations so that the Capuchins could come to León. Famous is the expression of the Bishop of León who, recalling the feelings of the people of León exclaimed: "Well, you want Capuchins, Capuchins you will have".
The fervor provoked by the "ninth mission" of the Capuchins and the tireless work of the Third Franciscan Order, made the restoration works of the temple begin on April 10, 1880, under the proper direction and administration of D. Rogelio Cañas. In order to give a new impetus to the works and collect new alms, on December 24, 1881, the Fathers Francisco de Carcar and Lorenzo de Molina arrived in León, they spent some days sheltered in the Palace, until they could enable, for residency and room, the old part attached to the apse of the church. On March 30, 1882, the Bishop announced to his diocesans the agreement reached with the Capuchins so that, soon, they could settle in the Convent and Church of San Francisco.
The church was put up, the walls were whitewashed, the four Evangelists were placed in the pendentives of the dome, the altars were prepared for the cult, the choir was able to sing the divine office, and, above all, the Main altar with the altarpiece that was brought from the Cathedral, together with those of the Heart of Jesus and Blessed Diego, laterals of the transept that are part of the main altar. The other side altars, some moved from the chapel of the Venerable Third Order, others are from the Cathedral, and some donations from Christian families. On May 12, 1882, the Rev. Padre José de Valdeviejas arrived in the city as President, with whose presence the works received new impetus.
On December 8, 1882, the day of the Immaculate, the spacious and magnificent temple is inaugurated. In a chronicle of the time is collected: "how many people have visited the restored and magnificent church of San Francisco, have not failed to praise the artistic taste with which they have carried out all the works, as well as the placement of the altars as in the decoration of the ships and others".
In the year 1895, the day of Pentecost, the dressing room of the Divina Pastora was inaugurated, work of D. Félix Ferrer, from Barcelona. The image of the Divina Pastora, of indisputable artistic merit, is the work of the Venerable Brother Fray Antonio de Vera, Capuchin.
Between 1907 and 1910 the birth of the Congregation of the Divine Shepherd takes place thanks to the tireless work of Fr. León de Santibáñez. He grouped the maids in association, which was called Divina Pastora and San José, dedicated one of the Sundays of the month for their religious functions, attended them punctually and founded a very useful savings bank for them.
Between the years 1919 and 1922 the electric light is installed in the church, illuminating all the spiders of the same and several altars. All the Brotherhoods and Congregations that were in the church contributed to cover the expenses.
In León, philosophy was studied in the years 1889-1898. It was a college of theology from 1890 until the summer of 1972, when it was moved to Santa Marta de Tormes (Salamanca). In 1937 it is the provisional seat of the novitiate and the College of philosophy. It is also for the school of philosophy in 1941. The novitiate was also here in 1974.
In part of the old garden, the Vocational Training School was built, ending on December 29, 1967. It has obtained the recognition for official, O.M. of January 29, 1970, qualified for I and II degrees, O.M. of May 20, 1981, extended to teachings for the agrarian branches, O.M. of July 30, 1976, automotive (mechanics and electricity), O.M. of May 20, 1981. In 1969 a Colegio Mayor was built, recognized by O.M. of March 4, 1971.
In the period from February 17, 1964 to February 2, 1965, notable improvements were made in the church, which was consecrated on February 2, 1966.
The last major reform of the Church of San Francisco was carried out between July 1996 and April 1997. And it has consisted of: renewing the location of tiles, files and skylights; acting on factory works in the roof chamber; reconstruction of the transversal wall in the north bay; interior conditioning of the lateral bay; acting on factory works abroad; cleaning and reconstruction of stained-glass windows; wooden latticework in cover chambers; and painting the inside of the temple.
It seems that there was some continuity between Franciscan observers and Capuchins because people continued to call the Capuchins "Franciscans" to this day.